Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
School Communication Pathways and processes
It is important that parents are able to access teachers at times that are convenient to both parties. At UBPS we rely on phone, email, messages and face-to-face communication. The pathway you choose relates to time urgency, purpose and type of information to be commuicated, and to whom.
To ensure that parents can have their questions answered or concerns dealt with effectively and efficiently, our school has some key protocols to support open and honest channels of communication. This includes communication via phone, email, Messages on the Parent Portal app and Facebook.
Please read through the information below. Thank you for your continued support in fostering a strong partnership between home and school!
Communicating with our school
Parents and partners protocols
Guidelines for using the UBPS Facebook page
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.
We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning School
At Umina Beach Public School, we are a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school.
A Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school is one that focuses on promoting positive behaviour among students to enhance their learning environment. Here are some key points for parents to understand:
Proactive Approach: PBL schools create a culture of positive behaviour by teaching and reinforcing expected behaviours rather than just reacting to misbehaviour.
Clear Expectations: Schools establish clear, consistent expectations for behaviour across all settings (classrooms, playground, etc.), which helps students understand what is expected of them.
Supportive Environment: PBL focuses on creating a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel safe and respected, which can lead to improved academic performance and social skills.
Data-Driven: Schools regularly collect and analyse data on student behaviour to identify areas for improvement and to celebrate successes, ensuring that strategies are effective.
Collaboration: PBL involves collaboration among teachers, students, and parents, encouraging everyone to work together to support positive behaviours and address any challenges.
Recognition and Rewards: Positive behaviours are recognised and rewarded, which motivates students to continue demonstrating those behaviours.
Overall, PBL aims to foster a positive school culture that supports students' social, emotional, and academic growth, ultimately leading to a better learning experience for everyone.
Please visit our PBL page for more information on our behaviour expectations and PBL framework
Umina Beach Public School Sunsafe Policy
Our school takes sun safety seriously and implements a range of strategies to support school environments that protect students from the damaging effects of the sun. At Umina Beach Public School, the school community, including families, work together to take all reasonable actions to protect students from risks of harm that can be reasonably predicted due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Please read the full policy document here
Umina Beach Public School Acceptable Use of Mobile phones (and similar devices) Policy and procedures
This section includes information on the Umina Beach Public School "Mobile Phone/smartwatches/devices Agreement" for parents/carers and students (updated Feb 2025)
This policy and process document provides guidance for appropriate student use of mobile phones (and similar devices including smart watches or cameras) at our school. It sets out the shared responsibilities of school staff, students and parents and carers. It also provides a framework to manage potential risks to student safety and wellbeing. It has been ratified by the school P&C in Term 2, 2022.
This document clearly outlines what is considered appropriate use of mobile phones and inappropriate use of mobile phones at Umina Beach Public School, in line with definitions established by the NSW Department of Education. This document also outlines reasonable actions/possible consequences for inappropriate mobile phone use at Umina Beach Public School and provides parents, carers and students with the opportunity to sign the Umina Beach Public School Parent/Carer and Student Mobile Phone/Smartwatch Agreement, providing permission for students to bring a mobile phone/smartwatch with them to school. It is important that parents and students read this policy document carefully prior to signing and returning the Student Mobile Phone/Smartwatch Agreement form.
Please read the full policy document here
Mobile phones "off and away"
Umina Beach Public School supports the restrictions of mobile phones in accordance with the NSW Department of Education: Students’ Use of Mobile Phones in Schools policy (insert link). Mobile phone use in schools can impact student learning and wellbeing. Restricting mobile phone use at school aims to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying. Umina Beach Public School has strong teaching and learning practices to support students in the classroom using various forms of appropriate technology, which maximises the benefits and minimises the risks of digital environments and prepare students for life beyond school. We foster a safe learning environment which supports and enhances each child’s social and emotional health through our wellbeing and learning support teams.
Read our 'one-page' information on acceptable use of mobile phones here.
Smartwatches on 'flight-mode'
Umina Beach Public School recognises the mobile environment is an immersive aspect of our current day-to-day lives, and one in which students are often both knowledgeable and comfortable. Umina Beach Public School also recognises that the use of smartwatches in classrooms can be problematic, distracting and the cause of social wellbeing issues. When accessed at school, Smartwatches can detract from social interaction with peers and engagement with school activities. UBPS supports the restrictions of digital devices, such as smartwatches, in accordance with the NSW Department of Education: Students’ Use of Mobile Phones in Schools policy (insert policy link here). Restricting the use of smartwatches at school aims to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying.
Read our 'one-page' information on acceptable use of Smartwatches here.
Students, teachers and parents together
At UBPS, we understand that students, parents and carers and school staff need to collaborate to ensure that our students use their phones, smartwatches and other digital devices safely at school. This creates strong partnerships, open communication, consistency and support across our school community.
At UBPS we recognise the importance of:
- Shared Responsibility: students, staff and families all play an important role in maintaining a safe and positive learning environment at school.
- Communication: Clear expectations and open dialogue helps us address and reduce issues such as digital distractions that impede your child’s learning and cyberbullying.
- Education: Together, we all have a part to play in teaching students about responsible use of digital devices and online safety.
- Consistency: consistent messages reinforce the importance of responsible behaviour.
- Support Systems: Collaboring together creates a support network for students to discuss phone-related concerns.
- Focus and Engagement: A united community approach minimises distractions, enhancing learning.
This teamwork fosters a safer, more productive educational environment, benefiting students' well-being and success.
Questions, Concerns or Complaints
At Umina Beach Public School, we aim to create a positive culture that encourages feedback and open discussion. We recognise that there may be times when a parent/carer or member of the community may wish to seek further understanding about school practices, procedures or policies or may wish to raise a concern or complaint. We recognise that our community have a responsibility to be heard and have their concerns genuinely considered. We seek to respond to concerns promptly with a focus on successful, positive resolution.
Important information:
- Community members can raise their concerns in person, by telephone, email or via the online complaint, compliment, and suggestion form.
- In addressing your complaint, you can expect to feel supported, heard and valued. Our team are committed to addressing issues or concerns with respect, and a focus on resolution.
- Raise your concern as soon as possible, outlining your concern politely and respectfully. Provide details of your concern, including any relevant and available information about the situation and outline the outcome sought.
- The principal will assess the nature and seriousness of the concerns and may delegate the management of a complaint.
- The principal or delegate will seek to identify and understand the concerns raised, clarify expectations, explain resolution processes, and provide information about the expected timeframe.
- As a guideline, your complaint should be acknowledged within 3 business days, finalised within 20 business days, and followed up within 20 days of being finalised.
- When determining an outcome to a complaint, the principal or delegate will provide clear reasons for their determination, reinforcing a positive feedback culture that encourages open communication about concerns with respect and a focus on resolution.
- Where required, the principal will determine the best options for addressing any related concerns or issues and make decisions in relation to reviewing or amending any related school policy, procedure, process, or system.
- After the complaint outcome is communicated, you can request a review of the handling of the complaint by contacting the Director, Educational Leadership on 4357 5300.
Expectations for Respectful Communication:
We believe that respectful communication is essential for fostering a positive school community. We ask that all interactions, whether in-person, via email, or on social media, remain constructive and courteous. Please keep in mind that every member of our school community deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. If you have concerns or complaints, we encourage you to address them directly and respectfully.
For any questions or further assistance, please contact the school office.
Umina Beach Public School
0243 411630
Information for parents and carers regarding walking or riding to and from school.
At Umina Beach Public School, we understand that many families live within walking or cycling distance to our school and choose to walk/ride to and from school. Walking and cycling can have many benefits, especially when parents and children to walk or ride together. The DoE recommends that Parents and carers should accompany thier child when walking or riding to school until they are at least 10 years old. When families decide their child can walk or ride independently to school, it is important to be aware of safety. Please read the important reminders below:
Walking safely to and from school
Riding safely to and from school
Each year, our students will engage in a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) lesson on how to walk or ride safely to school at UBPS. If you would like to discuss these expectations with your children, you can access the lesson here.
Anti-bullying and Expect Respect at UBPS
As a PBL school, we focus on explicitly teaching and reinforcing the behaviour we expect from all students. As part of our social and emotional learning curriculum, each year our students participate in specially designed PBL lessons called "Expect Respect" . This social curriculum is a way to teach expected pro-social behaviours that support a respectful school climate and work to address and reduce disrespectful or bullying behaviour.
The specially designed lesson series, “Expect Respect”, focuses on reducing anti-bullying behaviours by proactively teaching, reinforcing, and rewarding expected social behaviours. You can read more about these lessons on our website: visit our PBL page under the Student Health and Safety page.
Parents and carers are encouraged to read our school's anti-bullying policy, which brings together information and resources helpful for teachers, students, parents and carers and outlines how the school works to identify, prevent and respond effectively to student bullying, including online bullying. It provides information about online safety and what you can do if your child has been bullied, witnessed bullying or been involved in bullying.
Click here if you'd like to read more about our anti-bullying policy.